Reflection on the dialogue between the Greeks




Dialogue, socratic dialogues, diegesis, mimesis, catharsis, coronation


Through an observation of Rafael Sanzio's fresco entitled Stanza della Segnatura, this text attempts to carry out a reflection on the practice of dialogue among ancient Greeks. This reflection goes through an urge of characterization of the genre known as "Socratic dialogue". It arrives to a known, though not irrelevant conclusion: a dialogue, strictly speaking, never ends. At the end, a series of correspondences between the meaning of the act of contemplation or the act of reception in a subject that, far from Greek time and space, acts as an observer or reader of a human work.

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Author Biography

Mauricio Vélez Upegui, Universidad Eafit

Universidad Eafit


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How to Cite

Vélez Upegui, M. (2004). Reflection on the dialogue between the Greeks. Estudios De Filosofía, (30), 115–139.



Original or Research articles
