The ethics of the good life of Philebus, a pluralistic ethic?


  • Francisco Bravo Universidad Central de Venezuela



Plato, Filebo, ethics, pluralism, good life


I would like to take the title of this panel - "Pluralism and ethics of the good life" - not as a topic, but as a problem. Are, or at least can the ethics of the good life (VBS) be pluralistic? It is, with all evidence, ethical pluralism, which, in our time, follows - and sometimes accompanies - political pluralism, which, for its part, has its most distant antecedents in the physical-ontological pluralism of the pre-Socratics and implies always some kind of epistemological pluralism. The ethic tries to integrate a diversity of interests, inside and outside the moral subject. Inside, attending to the multiple capacities, tendencies and attitudes of said subject. Outside, making compatible and even complementary, not only the interests of individual and social subjects, but also those of multiple social subjects, with their diverse conceptions and tendencies regarding what is good and correct. [Fragment]

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Author Biography

Francisco Bravo, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Universidad Central de Venezuela



How to Cite

Bravo, F. (2008). The ethics of the good life of Philebus, a pluralistic ethic?. Estudios De Filosofía, 569–580.