Heideggers nachgelassene Klee-Notizen


  • Günter Seubold Universität Bonn
  • Beatriz Bernal Universidad de Antioquia
  • Margitta Freund Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg




Event/coming into view, behold-ing, image, work of art, transformation, simplicity.


Günter Seubold presents the content of some undated fragmentary notes from Martin Heidegger about Paul Klee. But according to Heidegger, the notes have been registered towards the year 1956, which suggests, that they should be read in the light of his later philosophy. In this essay Seubold presents some of Paul Klee’s texts cited by Heidegger and he refers to the works of the Swiss painter which caused the most impact on the philosopher, and also offers some interpretations of Heidegger about the metaphysical character of western art, exposing the need to experience a change of art. Heidegger asks whether the works of modern art can still be called “Werke”, or if they are just results of technical and scientific planning. However, he proposes that the traditional concept of art as “image” Should be received from the relationship between beholding and the event-coming into view (Ereignis), referring to the work of Cezanne, Paul Klee and East Asian art, where the transformation of the essence of the art takes place, which is demanded by Heidegger.

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Author Biographies

Günter Seubold, Universität Bonn

Dr. phil. habil.


Beatriz Bernal , Universidad de Antioquia

Facultad de Artes

Margitta Freund , Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Magister Artium


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KLEE, P. (1954) Über die moderne Kunst, Berna.

KLEE, P. (1957) Tagebücher 1898-1918, hrs. und eingel. von Felix Klee, Colonia.

KLEE, P. (1960) Gedichte, comp. de F. Klee, Zürich.

KLEE, P. (1964) “Schöpferische Konfession”, en: Das Blindnerische Denken, Basel, Stutgart.

KLEE, P. (1975) Der Ararat, Glosas, bosquejos y notas sobre el arte nuevo. Reimpresión. Nendeln/Lichtenstein.

KLEE, P. (1976) “Die Austellung des Modernen Bundes im Kunsthaus Zürich”, en: Die Alpen. Revista mensual para la cultura suiza y general, Cuaderno 12 Agosto 1912.; ahora en: Chr. Geelhaar (Hg,) Klee P. Schriften. Reseñas y ensayos, Colonia.

GETHMANN- SIEFERT, A. PÖGGELER, O. (1988) “Martin Heidegger und die Kunstwissenschaft”, en: Heidegger und die praktische Philosophie, Frankfurt.

PÖGGELER, O. (1982). “Neue Wege mit Heidegger?”, en: Philosophische Rundschau 29, S. 47.

PETZET, H. W. (1983). “Auf einen Stern zugehen”. Begegnungen und Gespräche mit Martin Heidegger 1929-1976. Frankfurt.

PETZET, H.W. (2008) Encuentros y diálogos con Martin Heidegger (1929- 1976), Trad. Lorenzo Langbehn. Buenos Aires: Katz/Latinográfica. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctvm7bdkt



How to Cite

Seubold, G., Bernal , B., & Freund , M. (2013). Heideggers nachgelassene Klee-Notizen. Estudios De Filosofía, (47), 177–187. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ef.16658