Form as subject: A slip in Aristotle? Eidos as subject and guarantor of identity


  • Claudia Patricia Carbonell Fernández Universidad de La Sabana



Aristotle, subject, substance (οὐσἰα), form (εἶδος), matter, predicate. *


In this text I argue in favor of considering the form (εἶδος) as subject and therefore as responsible for the identity of the object through movement. I contemplate the priority of the form as substance, its particular character, and the different ways in which something can be a subject, this, in order to conclude why in Z, 3, form is the best candidate to be not only substance, but to be subject in a primary sense. The purpose of the text is to address the discussion as to why form, rather than matter or the composite, best fits the ontological criteria of being subject and the philosophical consequences of this position. As a corollary, I will make some comments on the dual ontology that Aristotle follows from Categories or Metaphysics.

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Author Biography

Claudia Patricia Carbonell Fernández, Universidad de La Sabana

G.I. Racionalidad y Cultura
Departamento de Filosofía
Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias Humanas
Bogotá, Colombia


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How to Cite

Carbonell Fernández, C. P. (2013). Form as subject: A slip in Aristotle? Eidos as subject and guarantor of identity. Estudios De Filosofía, (48), 49–72.



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