A critique on technicism in the light of philosophical hermeneutics





Hermeneutics, Modernity, knowledge, technicism, truth, method, learning


This text critiques modernity, by focusing on technicism and on the claim that reason is absolute. It does not deny the benefits originated from modernity, especially those related to science and to technological breakthroughs; rather than that, it attempts to identify the limits inherent to reason, by stating its impossibility to totally comprehend knowledge, showing something that escapes its claim to be ubiquitous. In order to do that, methodologically following hermeneutics, through the paths opened by Gadamer, room is made for reflection based on other paths, also including Descartes's contributions on the emergence of modernity, as well as Schleiermacher's, within the context of modern hermeneutics. The interlocution with Flickinger shows that, beyond the scientificist perspective, hermeneutics contributes to achieving a new level of understanding, and a new relationship with it.

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Author Biography

Rogério José Schuck, Centro Universitario UNIVATES

Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Jurídicas Centro Universitario UNIVATES. Lajeado, Brasil E–mail: rogerios@univates.br. Profesor Titular, UNIVATES (Brasil), adscrito al Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Jurídicas (CCHS), a la Maestría en Enseñanza de Ciencias Exactas (PPGECE) y a la Maestría en Enseñanza (PPGEnsino).


Capra, F.; Cabral, A. (2006) O ponto de mutação, Trad. de Álvaro Cabral, 27. ed., São Paulo, Cultrix.

Flickinger, H-G. (2003) O Fundamento Ético da Hermenêutica Contemporânea. En: Oliveira, A. R. E Oliveira, N. A. (ed.). Fides et Ratio: Festschrift em homenagem a Cláudio Neutzling, Pelotas, EDUCAT.

Gadamer, H-G. (1996) Verdad y Método I: Fundamentos de una hermenéutica filosófica, Trad. de Ana Agud Aparicio y Rafael de Agapito, Salamanca, Sígueme.

Gadamer, H.-G. (2007) Hermenêutica em retrospectiva, Trad. de Marco Antônio Casanova, Petrópolis, RJ, Vozes.

Heidegger, M. (1998) Ser y Tiempo, Trad. Jorge Eduardo Rivera C., Santiago de Chile, Universitaria.

Schleiermacher, F. (1995) Hermeneutik und Kritik, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp.

Schuck, R. J. (2013) Apropriação da Tradição: Aproximações à Hermenêutica de Gadamer, Saarbrücken, Novas Edições Acadêmicas - NEA.



How to Cite

Schuck, R. J. (2015). A critique on technicism in the light of philosophical hermeneutics. Estudios De Filosofía, (51), 75–86. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ef.n51a05



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