Verbiage and empathy. On Memory by Correspondence by Emma Reyes




Empathy, verbiage, immortality ideologies, Sheets-Johnstone, Edith Stein, Edmund Husserl, Emma Reyes


The purpose of this paper is to deepen into the sense of isolation in a convent in which Emma Reyes, the author of the book Memoria por correspondencia was forced to live. Taking account of Maxine Sheets- Johnstone's term ''immortality ideologies'', in the first part of the paper I try to disclose what I see as the origin of that isolation. In the second part, I weave a relation between the way the immortality ideology is instantiated in that convent and the term ''empathy'', as used in phenomenology. I conclude showing how empathy can be impoverished as to the point where the particularities of an other's experiences are perceived only in a marginal and peripheral way.

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Author Biography

Ángela Uribe Botero, Universidad Nacional

Departamento de Filosofía, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Uribe Botero, Ángela. (2016). Verbiage and empathy. On Memory by Correspondence by Emma Reyes. Estudios De Filosofía, (54), 9–22.



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