The Moral Limits of Compassion




Slavery, compassion, humiliation, Kant


The purpose of this article is to give reasons to defend the position which warns us against the moral risks of compassion. Besides the argument that, in sustaining this position, appeals to the value of autonomy, I refer to the debate about the cognitive content of attitudes such as humiliation. References to this debate, along with some examples taken from Colombian history and literature will serve the purpose of defining the links between the belief in the inferiority of some people and the paternalist, condescending and humiliating treatment that can be constitutive of compassion.

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Author Biography

Ángela Uribe Botero, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogotá

Grupo de Investigación Ética, Comportamiento y Evolución
Departamento de Filosofía
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Bogotá, Colombia


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How to Cite

Uribe Botero, Ángela. (2008). The Moral Limits of Compassion. Estudios De Filosofía, (37), 123–139.



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