Considerations for an update of the concept of social totality based upon the work of Georg Lukács


  • Alejandro Nahuel Alzu University of Buenos Aires



reification, alienation, capitalism, Marxism, Totality


In this paper I revisit the different elaborations of the concept of social totality that we can find through various moments of the work of the Marxist philosopher Georg Lukács, focusing on the understanding of the praxis of social agents tied to each of them. I begin with the analysis of this concept in his youth works and then I highlight a radical change of view between the characterizations found in History and class consciousness and Ontology of social being. My argument is that this reconsideration is associated with the theoretical necessity of conceiving a subjective praxis that could avoid alienation, as it seems to occur in the theoretical model of Lukács’ youth work. Finally, I conclude that this new conception of the social totality enables a new kind of emancipatory praxis, far from the party dogmatisms that typify a great part of the twentieth century socialism.

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Author Biography

Alejandro Nahuel Alzu, University of Buenos Aires

He's currently a doctoral fellow at the University of Buenos Aires in the area of Philosophy and Researcher in Training at the Institute of Argentine and American History "Dr. Emilio Ravignani", Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos Aires; where he is also doing a Master's degree in Political Philosophy. He is a graduate of the Philosophy career (Diploma of honor) from the same university, where he has also taught extension courses.


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How to Cite

Alzu, A. N. (2020). Considerations for an update of the concept of social totality based upon the work of Georg Lukács. Estudios De Filosofía, (62), 75–96.