Anti-Oedipus and Marxist feminism: towards a discussion




capitalism, feminism, axiomatic, reterritorializations


This article studies unexplored affinities between the theory of capitalism in Anti-Oedipus and some debates on social reproduction in Feminist Marxism. On the one hand, capitalism, with its movement towards the decoding of flows, tends to dissolve the family under deterritorialized movements. On the other, it presupposes an oedipal (and familiaristic) reterritorialization, for it separates kinship from relations of production, founding a historically specific split. The distinction between axiomatic and capitalist re-territorialization, in this context, appears as an adequate conceptual way to analyze the relation between family and capitalism in feminist-Marxist terms.

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Author Biography

Facundo Nahuel Martín, University of Buenos Aires

Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires, where he is also professor. He has published the books Marx de vuelta. Hacia una teoría crítica de la modernidad (2015), Pesimismo emancipatorio. Marxismo y Psicoanálisis en el pensamiento de Theodor W. Adorno (2017) and Teoría crítica de la modernidad. Marxismo, movimientos sociales y proyecto emancipatorio (2020). He investigates the articulation between subjective transformations and emancipatory dynamics within the framework of a theory of capitalism, widely inscribing himself in the critical theory of society.


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How to Cite

Martín, F. N. (2021). Anti-Oedipus and Marxist feminism: towards a discussion. Estudios De Filosofía, (63), 129–149.