Foreword: Marx and the radical criticism




Karl Marx, teoría crítica, Estudios de Filosofía, presentación


Among the many attempts to invalidate the thought of Karl Marx, perhaps the most effective in theoretical terms has been precisely to give the thinker his place in the history of ideas: it is said that he is an important critic of the market economy, whose reasoning was mostly applicable to 19th-century capitalism. But, in the face of the transformations and economic, political and, ultimately, human advances of contemporary capitalism, its concepts and reflections became obsolete for the present. In response to this attitude, numerous theorists have demonstrated that as long as the contradiction between wage labor and capital—a nodal point of Marx's economic analysis—continues to be at the basis of the system of social production, the critique of the critique of Marxist political economy will continue being actual. Regardless of whether the worker looks like the 19th-century proletarian, the 20th-century office worker, or the
freelancer of the 21st century.

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Author Biography

Juan David Gómez Osorio, Universidad de Antioquia

Magister en Filosofía, Universidad de Antioquia. Pregrado Licenciatura en Filosofía, Universidad de Antioquia.  Áreas de especialización: Filosofía Moderna, Filosofía práctica, Teorías de la formación, Teoría Crítica.


Marx, K. & Engels, F. (2008). El manifiesto comunista (M. Vedda, Trad.). Buenos Aires: Herramienta.

Marx, K. (1982). Cartas cruzadas en 1843 (Carta de septiembre de 1843 a Arnold Ruge), en Escritos de Juventud (W. Roces, Trad.) (pp. 441 a 460). México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Marx, K. (2005). El capital. Crítica de la economía política (P. Scaron, Trad.). Siglo XXI: Buenos Aires.

Marx, K. (2008). Contribución a la crítica de la filosofía del derecho de Hegel. Introducción. En Escritos de juventud sobre el derecho. Textos 1837-1847 (R. Jaramillo Vélez, Trad.) (pp. 94-109). Barcelona: Anthropos.



How to Cite

Gómez Osorio, J. D. (2020). Foreword: Marx and the radical criticism. Estudios De Filosofía, (62), 5–9.