Cortés, F. (2020). On the art of peace: philosophical reflections about transitional justice. Siglo del Hombre




Colombia, Transitional justice, Peace, Peace process


I have read with passion, with citizen passion, and with philosophical passion, Francisco Cortés' reflection on the processes and problems of transitional justice in Colombia. passion
citizen because, although it is not my country, I am close to it and because the problems it addresses are already universal. The Colombian peace process is one of those turning points in history in which the entire cosmopolitan conception is also concerned. But also, that citizen passion has an echo in my country, Spain. Spain has been a master at avoiding, stumbling, and once again facing its unfinished historical memory. In Francisco Cortés's analysis, these twists and turns of memory are present in multiple ways and how Colombian society is dealing with them seem fascinatingly exemplary to me, no matter how many difficulties and failures they may have had.

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Cortés, F. (2020). Del arte de la paz: reflexiones filosóficas sobre justicia transicional. Siglo del Hombre.

Douglas, L. (2001). The Memory of Judgement. Making Law and History in the Trials of the Holocaust; New Haven, Yale University Press.

Hampton, J. (1992). An Expressive Theory of Retribution. In Cragg, W. (Ed.), Retributivism and Its Critics (pp. 1-25). Franz Steiner Verlag.



How to Cite

Carlos. (2021). Cortés, F. (2020). On the art of peace: philosophical reflections about transitional justice. Siglo del Hombre. Estudios De Filosofía, (63), 173–177.



Book Review
