Language and social groups. Some remarks on the intentional program in social ontology




Ontology, Intentionality, Language, Groups, Society


The following paper examines Tuomela’s explanation of the appearance of basic social facts. In this proposal, the elementary components of a social ontology are due to the “collective intentionality” shared by different actors. Even though Tuomela alludes to language being present in some forms of intentionality in his exhibition, his reconstruction is oriented towards other forms of generating social facts that suppos-edly would not include it. In this writing, it will be argued, on the contrary, that it is not possible to avoid the main mechanism of generation of basic phenomena of sociality in any of its instances. Once language takes its central place as the main mechanism for coordinating action, creator of social groups and guide for a social ontology, many of the distinctions of the intentionalist program lose relevance from an ontological point of view.

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Author Biography

Leandro Paolicchi, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata - Conicet

Doctor en Filosofía (UNLa - Argentina). Docente de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina). En la actualidad es Investigador Adjunto del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Como becario del DAAD, ha realizado estudios doctorales (2012) y postdocto-rales (2014), bajo la dirección de Axel Honneth, en la Goethe Universität de Frankfurt am Main (Alemania). Durante el 2023 ha sido investigador invitado en el Cluster Normative Ordnungen también de esta Universidad. Es autor de los libros “Discurso y Facticidad” (2009), “Praxis, sentido y normatividad. Hacia una reconstrucción pragmática de las ac-ciones humanas” (2014) y “Pragmática y Ontología Social. La performatividad del habla entre las estructuras semánticas y la agencia colectiva” (2023).


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How to Cite

Paolicchi, L. (2025). Language and social groups. Some remarks on the intentional program in social ontology. Estudios De Filosofía, (71), 161–179.



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