The two political faces of Janus. A proposal for a justification of the relationship between consensus and conflict in deliberative democracy




Democracy, Consensus, Conflict, Rational reconstruction, Institutional design


This paper analyses J. Habermas’s theory of deliberative democracy from the point of view of conflict. Leaving aside the external criticisms that object to the validity claims of this political theory, it is argued that, along with the search for consensus, conflict is also constitutive of this theoretical approach to democracy. This relationship (between consensus and conflict) in deliberative democracy is justified by taking into account not only the reconstructive procedure of the pragmatic presuppositions of argumentative discourse that are inherent to decision making processes, but also by making explicit the democratic implications of its theoretical approach to institutional organisation, and the consequent interaction between the formal and informal spaces of politics in the rule of law. The explanation and analysis of this connection, which the Frankfurt philosopher does not recognise, contributes to the theoretical expansion of deliberative democracy without thereby nullifying its conceptual status.

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How to Cite

Prono, S. (2025). The two political faces of Janus. A proposal for a justification of the relationship between consensus and conflict in deliberative democracy. Estudios De Filosofía, (71), 103–123.



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