Social Cohesion and Space of Appearance: Spectators Role in the Concept of Citizenship by Hannah Arendt


  • Alejandro Mesa Arango University of Antioquia
  • Ruth Elena Quiroz Posada University of Antioquia



Hannah Arendt, Citizenship, Social Cohesion, Actors and Spectators, Space of Appearance


In this paper, categories of social cohesion and space of appearance are explored in the concept of citizenship by Hannah Arendt and more specifically about spectators role. In the analysis of citizenship concept in Arendt, the paradox that says about the social and political, being the first factor decisive for social cohesion and the second one for construction and development of political communities, whose basis is human dignity.
The article firstly deals with general considerations about Arendt´s concept of citizenship in order to go the reader into space of appearance, shared by actors, but mostly by spectators, whose preponderance over the social is defined in the plural plot of developed stories about events in space that are common in each other, equivalent to “between”, the basis of citizenship practice with its consistent implications for the concept and emerging education plans for citizenship and civic education.

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Author Biographies

Alejandro Mesa Arango, University of Antioquia

D. in Education. Full Professor. School of Microbiology. University of Antioquia.

Ruth Elena Quiroz Posada, University of Antioquia

Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences. Associate Professor. Faculty of Education. University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Mesa Arango, A., & Quiroz Posada, R. E. (2012). Social Cohesion and Space of Appearance: Spectators Role in the Concept of Citizenship by Hannah Arendt. Estudios Políticos, (40), 38–52.