The Genocidal Geopolitical Conjuncture of the Destruction of the Unión Patriótica (1985-2010)
Armed Conflict, Genocide, Geopolitics, Unión Patriótica, ColombiaAbstract
The article discusses the destruction of the Unión Patriótica (UP) from a critical genocide studies perspective. The argument is that the destruction of the UP occurred within a genocidal geopolitical conjuncture. The article shows that during the genocidal geopolitical conjuncture various perpetrators formed unstable alliances, which still allowed them to consolidate hard power. They used this power to victimize first the UP and then the social networks associated with it. Multiple counterinsurgency tactics and strategies were used against civilians initially portrayed as the brains behind the radical left and then as its puppets. Such portrayal was the product of the circulation of geopolitical narratives amongst military, political, social and criminal networks. The UP resisted against the perpetrators’ violence. It began with practices of political resistance which enabled it to consolidate soft power. As a result, 1) various sectors associated with the UP organized demonstrations and civil strikes, 2) non-governmental organizations internationally disseminated the destruction of the UP that was taking place, and 3) international organizations obliged the Colombian state to protect UP victims and are still seeking the prosecution of perpetrators.
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