The Politics of Chile towards Bolivia, 1990-2009. Neither Political Coordination nor Economic Cooperation
Bilateral Relations, Foreign Policy, Double Asymmetry, Chile, BoliviaAbstract
The article seeks to identify the patterns of the Chile-Bolivia relation through the systematization of two main variables: politics and bilateral economic relations. With this aim, the contents of the bilateral agenda have been codified in order to determine the contents of the dialogue. For the same purpose, the annual series of bilateral trade and the statistics of bilateral direct investments have been reconstructed. With this information and the bibliographical contributions that address this relation, it has been possible to establish a pattern and to formulate a hypothesis regarding this link. It is possible to affirm that the double asymmetry of Chile-Bolivia is a factor of structural character that has tended to immobilize their relations, in which the developmental gap and the different visions on the future have turned into a true historical residual diachrony, whose residual resistance has constituted an active structural barrier to the bilateral relations.
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