Context, Justice and Universality in Current Political Philosophy. Some Critiques and Contributions to the Habermas’s Theory of Justice




Political Philosophy, Political Theory, Theory of Justice, Critical Theory, Frankfurt School


From the pragmatic turn of contemporary philosophy, the theories of justice have advanced in a series of topics related to justifying the principles of justice which presuppose the connection between universality, and historical and cultural particularity. The exclusive appeal to rational and abstract principles is criticized, since it sets aside the implicit influence of contexts, which unite the moral experiences of peoples, communities of life, and social movements in a globalized society. If discursive theories of justice require to articulate this connection, the theoretical challenge is to find the joint that would allow to link historical proceduralism and substantivity. In which sense the Habermasian theory of justice would demand an explicit theoretical reconsideration about the normative capacity of context? The article proposes that an answer to this problem can be found in the works of R. Forst and M. Hunyadi, since they rethink a contextual theory of justice and restore a philosophical notion of context which demonstrate new possibilities and limitations of the discursive theory of justice.

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Author Biography

Ricardo Florentino Salas Astrain, Catholic University of Temuco

Professor, M.A. and PhD. of Philosophy. Professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Catholic University of Temuco, Chile.


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How to Cite

Salas Astrain, R. F. (2019). Context, Justice and Universality in Current Political Philosophy. Some Critiques and Contributions to the Habermas’s Theory of Justice. Estudios Políticos, (55), 163–181.



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