Between the Development Theory and the Alternative Theory in Latin America. Some Tensions, Challenges and Proposals
Political Theory, Critical Theory, Alternative Theories, Human Development, Latin AmericaAbstract
This article reflects on the discourse of hegemonic development based on elements presented by some alternative theories. Some keys to understanding the critiques and proposals based on theories such as human development, and the so-called «post-development» in Latin American are introduced. The purpose is, on one hand, to call attention on deficiencies in social matters that come with the practices of purely economic development, especially for the so-called countries of the South. On the other hand, to emphasize the decentralization of the hegemonic discourse. To these purposes, a documentary analysis of the critical theory of development and human rights is implemented. In the analysis, it is observed that, although the theories presented do not necessarily belong to the same theoretical trend, they raise the need to promote proposals with a focus on the social well-being and the human development of the population, which is a necessary matter when thinking of Latin America in its relation to the shades of the hegemonic paradigm across the region.
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