«Adaptation to the Constant Mobility and Progress of Military Science». United States Missions for the Modernization of the Colombian State, 1959-1962
International Relations, Security, Cold War, State Modernization, Intelligence, Armed ForcesAbstract
The article studies three missions of the United States of America (EU) that visited Colombia between 1959 and 1962, in order to reform the Military Forces, the National Police and the Administrative Department of Security. In the international arena of confrontation of hegemonic projects during the Cold War, the implementation of such missions and their effects on the redesign of those State agencies are analyzed. Based on bibliography and documents from the US State Department, the historiographic analysis shows how, based on diagnoses, actions plans, advice, training, logistical and financial support, it was sought to influence the strategic, tactical and operational planning of central forces in the relationship between the State and civil society in Colombia. Despite the «potential» character of this «communist enemy», the modernizing attempt of those bodies institutionally involved the Colombian State in the Cold War, and systematically introduced irregular and unconventional war practices.
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Documentos, comunicaciones e informes de archivo
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