Gender Analysis in the Contexts of Organized Violence. A Sociological Perspective
Political Theory, Armed Conflict, War, Political Subjectivities, Feminism, GenderAbstract
This article makes a theoretical reflection on how gender dynamics are structured in the contexts of armed conflict. The objective is to approach an explanatory framework that can offer a feminist and sociological approach to gender in the social organization of violence. The underlying question is, how has the participation of women in the war been? How should gender analysis be approached in organized violence? To this aim, three universal problems that take place as social dynamics are addressed: 1) The stratification of gender: the social organization of violence; 2) Specific violence against women in armed conflicts; and 3) The reification of gender roles: implicit violence. These dynamics show how violence against women is reinforced in these contexts, not only because of the specific violence against their bodies, but also because of the violence exercised through the reification of gender roles.
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