Policy Instruments Change in Colombia. Analysis of CONPES Social Policy Documents, 1993-2014
public policy, policy instruments, policy change, policy referential, CONPES documents, ColombiaAbstract
To explain the phenomenon of policy change is a frequent attempt in the policy analysis academic field. Here, policy instruments receive increasing attention as a unit of analysis that illustrates transformation patterns in policy making. In this paper we explore the changes in the usage of policy instrument concept in policy making processes at the national level in Colombia. To do so, we identify systematized and classified 822 policy instruments in twenty documents issued by the National Council for Economic and Social Policy (Conpes) between 1993 and 2014, understood as public policies in Colombian state planning framework. The evidence reveals that these instruments tend to give priority to normative and regulatory interventions in replacement of monetary interventions. We find that Conpes documents, in some cases, outline statements that do not clarify the policy instruments operational scope, but have the potential to define agreements between different government agencies.
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