Patriarchy and Love. Anna G. Jónasdóttirʼ Political Theory




political theory, feminism, patriarchy, exploitation, love, Latin America


Icelandic political scientist Anna Jónasdóttir’s thesis on patriarchy is that it is currently based on the exploitation of women’s love by their sentimental partners. This paper aims to evaluate this influential feminist theory and its scope to explain the persistence of patriarchy in Latin America. The analysis consists of three parts: part one presents the author’s central theses on patriarchy and its connection with love; the second part points out the limitations of the proposal for understanding patriarchy in Latin America, where women are marginalized because of love, but also because of social inequality, violence, and colonial practices in the region; the third part underlines the contributions of Jónasdóttir’s analysis to clarify widespread evils among Latin American women, such as intimate partner violence and misogyny in general. The conclusion is that, despite the theoretical and methodological limitations, Jónasdóttir’s theory helps clarify some oppression phenomena suffered by women in our region.

The analysis consists of three parts: part one exposes the author's central theses on patriarchy and its connection with love. The second part points out the limitations of the proposal for understanding patriarchy in Latin America. Women are marginalized because of love but also due to social inequality, violence, and colonial practices in this region. Part three underlines the contributions of Jónasdóttir's analysis to clarify widespread evils among Latin American women as intimate partner violence and misogyny in general.

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Author Biography

Martha Elena Grajales Usuga, University of Antioquia

Sociologist. Literature Specialist. Master and Doctor in Philosophy. Independent researcher.


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How to Cite

Grajales Usuga, M. E. (2022). Patriarchy and Love. Anna G. Jónasdóttirʼ Political Theory. Estudios Políticos, (64), 121–146.



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