Culture and Peace. Theoretical Contributions for the Study of Symbolic Transformations in Transition Processes
Political Theory, Peace, Political Transitions, Culture, Sociology, Symbolic TransformationsAbstract
The cultural dimension has been recognized as a central element in peace transition processes. The objective of this article is to identify the way in which different approaches have dealt with this dimension and to provide theoretical elements to strengthen the understanding of the place of the symbolic dimension in transitional processes. This is based on the reconstruction of three sets of approaches: i) studies on peace and transitions, ii) contemporary social theory and iii) approaches to the relationship between culture, violence and peace in Colombia. It is proposed that understanding the symbolic dimension of transition requires a relational and integrative perspective of theoretical approaches that builds on the articulation between different approaches and disciplines. It is concluded that through this perspective it is possible to build analytical proposals that do not subsume the cultural in the political and social order, but recognize the specificity of the processes of construction of meaning and its place in the processes of transition to peace.
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