Epistemic Injustices, Abortion and Bioethics, A Literature Review
Biopolitics, Epistemic Injustices, Testimonial Injustice, Hermeneutical Injustice, Abortion, BioethicsAbstract
This text reviews the contributions of epistemic injustices to bioethics in the approach to abortion. A quantitative and qualitative systematic review is used to compile, synthesized and evaluate the literature from empirical approaches, theoretical and conceptual reflections on the research topic in the following databases: Springer, Scopus, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, SciELO, Dialnet and Google Scholar. Epistemic injustices contribute to identifying whether Bioethics is part of the privileged social imagination on the interpretation of women as an object of knowledge that ignores their epistemic status, through deficits in the credibility of their testimony and with hermeneutic barriers that make their experiences unintelligible. It allows it to establish whether this generates damage that hinders her political agency in making ethical decisions in the interactional and structural sphere in relation to abortion, and helps it to understand itself as a situated knowledge that redefines its foundations from deliberative scenarios, mediated by epistemic virtues that reposition women as subjects of knowledge and political agents.
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