Divine Order and Republican Order: a Dispute over the Sources of Law


  • Diana Paola Herrera Arroyave Universidad del Rosario; the University of Messina




Modernization of the State, Teaching of Law, Construction of the Citizen Body, Social Discipline;, Local Resistance


This article attempts to present local responses to processes of political and legal centralization led by the governing elite in Colombia during the process of emancipation against Spanish rule that extended through the first half of the 19th century. To do this, a case is analyzed, the legal process started by a senior official of the State against a secular clergyman who, through flyers, religious preaching, and “assaults” on the lessons of the principles of law taught in the Colegios Mayores tries to impede the modernizing project being carried out by the ruling elite. There are two principle focuses in this analysis: first, the methods of discipline and social homogenization used by the elite in the process of constructing a collective, governing body; and second, the discussions about the content of studies on jurisprudence, which were central to the efforts of nationalization and rationalization of justice during the transition period from colony to republic.
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Author Biography

Diana Paola Herrera Arroyave, Universidad del Rosario; the University of Messina

Becaria Universidad del Rosario, Doctorado en Derecho, y becaria de l'Univertità degli Studi di Messina, PhD in History and Comparison of European Political and Legal Institutions, Messina-Italy.


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How to Cite

Herrera Arroyave, D. P. (2010). Divine Order and Republican Order: a Dispute over the Sources of Law. Estudios Políticos, (37), 153–166. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.espo.8122



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