The Cost of Being Independent. José María Castillo y Rada’s Tax Design for The Gran Colombia, 1823-1827


  • Oscar Javier Barrera National University



Gran Colombia;, Transition Process, José María Castillo y Rada, Fiscal Design, Fiscal Challenges, Fiscal Deprivation


Through fiscal design developed by José María Castillo y Rada in the years immediately after the independence from Spain, this paper offers to the reader an insight into some of the fiscal challenges faced by the regional integration attempt known as the Gran Colombia. First, there is a brief tour to the fiscal structure of the last colonial years. Secondly, it presents the general features of the proposal designed by Castillo y Rada and then the argumentation moves to the consideration of the challenges faced by this proposal. The paper concludes that historiographical models that have used the dichotomy Liberalism / Protectionism fall short in understanding the scope of this Fiscal Policy, which was formulated through a process of transition from colonial Nueva Granda system to the Republican system, which operated as a complex set of adjustments, innovations and permanences.
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Author Biography

Oscar Javier Barrera, National University

Anthropologist. M.A. in History from the National University of Colombia (Bogotá). Doctoral candidate in History at El Colegio de México.


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How to Cite

Barrera, O. J. (2010). The Cost of Being Independent. José María Castillo y Rada’s Tax Design for The Gran Colombia, 1823-1827. Estudios Políticos, (37), 167–186.



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