Prevalence of mental disorders in a population requesting health services at a primary health care center and its association with suicidal ideation and perceived disability


  • Mérida R. Rodríguez Pontifical Xavierian University
  • Hernán G. Rincón H. ICESI University
  • Margarita M. Velasco P. Free University of Colombia
  • Carlos A. Hernández A. University of the Valley
  • Martha L. Ramos Comfandi IPS
  • José A. González Comfandi IPS



mental health care, health services, depression, anxiety, developmental disabilities, suicidal ideation


Objective: this study’s goal was to determine the most prevalent mental disorders and the impact on the perception of disability and suicidal ideation among the population from a primary health care center in the city of Cali. Methodology: a cross sectional study was conducted on 254 patients who were screened with the PRIME-MD instrument. Descriptive statistics was used in the analysis to determine the most frequent disorders. Similarly, a multiple analysis with logistic and Poisson regressions using robust variance was conducted to determine the influence of mental disorders on disability and suicidal ideation. Results: most patients were female, young, and mature adults. Depression was present in 66.8% of all cases, followed by somatization disorder and anxiety. Half of the patients had had suicidal ideations at some point in their lives, and three out of four patients claimed to suffer from some kind of disability. Upon adjusting for the covariables, depression and anxiety disorders had a strong association with suicidal ideation and perceived disability that was overestimated by the logistic regression. Conclusion: depression and anxiety were the most common disorders and showed a strong association with suicidal ideation and disability. This is why it is necessary to screen for those disorders among adults using primary health care services. Likewise, we suggest considering Poisson regression with robust variance in cross-sectional studies in health services.
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Author Biographies

Mérida R. Rodríguez, Pontifical Xavierian University

Doctor, specialist in family medicine, candidate for a master's degree in Epidemiology, professor, Pontifical Xavierian University. Comfandi Salud IPS, Cali, Colombia.

Hernán G. Rincón H., ICESI University

Doctor, Master in Public Health. Professor, ICESI University. Institutional Psychiatrist, Valle del Lili Foundation, Intelligent Medicine Consultant, Cali, Colombia.

Margarita M. Velasco P., Free University of Colombia

Doctor, candidate for a master's degree in Epidemiology. Professor, Free University of Colombia, Cali, Colombia.

Carlos A. Hernández A., University of the Valley

Doctor, Master in Public Health. Professor, University of the Valley, Comfandi Salud IPS, Cali, Colombia.

Martha L. Ramos, Comfandi IPS

Doctor, specialist in Health Administration, Comfandi Salud IPS, Cali, Colombia.

José A. González, Comfandi IPS

General Practitioner, Comfandi Salud IPS, Cali, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez MR, Rincón H. HG, Velasco P. MM, Hernández A. CA, Ramos ML, González JA. Prevalence of mental disorders in a population requesting health services at a primary health care center and its association with suicidal ideation and perceived disability. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2012 Oct. 3 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];30(2):141-5. Available from:




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