Virtual Infidelity as an Opportunity of Positive Resignification


  • Isabel C. Posada University of Antioquia
  • Diana C. Noreña University of Antioquia



virtual infidelity, impact, theory founded


Objective: Increase the understanding of virtual infidelity as current phenomenon from a viewpoint that transcends possible stigmatization on the issue. The positive connotation of virtual infidelity as one of the possible consequences of their impact on the relationship and for the members of this exposed. Methodology: A qualitative approach, with the Theory Founded raised by Strauss and Corbin as a research method, 17 semi-structured interviews with men and women over 18 years Aburrá Valley residents and have experienced the virtual infidelity were made. Result: It was found that the impact of the virtual infidelity that has experienced, influences the meaning of the latter and have in some cases resulting in a positive connotation for the virtual infidelity. Discussion: The variables involved in the impact of virtual infidelity, are multiple, which makes an accurate prediction of coping with the situation, which may include a positive redefinition of the couple and / or individuals within it. Conclusions: when therapeutically addressing situations of virtual infidelity, should conduct a thorough contextualization covering from the circumstantial aspects of the situation and the relationship, to personal matters that relate to the meanings are, among others, partner, virtual infidelity and infidelity, looking for a positive redefinition on the couple.
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Author Biographies

Isabel C. Posada, University of Antioquia

Psychologist, Master in Public Health, National School of Public Health, University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.

Diana C. Noreña, University of Antioquia

Psychologist, Specialist in Pharmacodependence, aspiring Master in Family and Couple Therapy of the School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, University of Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Posada IC, Noreña DC. Virtual Infidelity as an Opportunity of Positive Resignification. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2015 Mar. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];32(S1):S116-S122. Available from: