Legal Abortion in Colombia: A Group of Nursing Students’ Opinions


  • Celmira Laza Vásquez South Colombian University
  • Eric Yamid Cerquera Gallego South Colombian University
  • Tania Alejandra Ferrer Pérez South Colombian University
  • Yessenia Gutiérrez Ocampos South Colombian University



legal abortion, nursing students, patriarchy, women’s rights, Constitutional Court Sentence C-355, Colombia


Introduction: In 2006, the Colombian government legalized abortion for three specific situations by means of sentence C-355, setting an important milestone in a society soaked by strong patriarchal values. Nevertheless, studies regarding these experiences of the main actors, as well as Healthcare professionals and women involved in this social phenomenon have been scarce. Objective: To ask senior students of the nursing program at Universidad Surcolombiana their opinion regarding sentence C-355 of 2006, which legalized abortion for three specific situations in Colombia. Methodology: A qualitative exploratory study was conducted. 26 students participated and they were selected using convenience sampling until saturation of the information. To collect the data, three discussion groups were created, and three in-depth interviews were conducted. Both were observed using content analysis. Results: Opinions regarding the sentence are favorable, because of its social benefits and it is in Pro of Defending women's rights. The topic arising in the constructed discourses was the impediment to accept abortion in Colombia, as a result of those strong patriarchal values that have soaked society, which are reinforced by the church’s "discourses of the truth” as well as those of medical institutions. Conclusions: it is necessary to persist on the socialization of the sentence in institutions and among healthcare professionals, and to persist on legal abortion and women's rights as a topic for public and political discussion. To do so, academia and investigators must work together with social organizations defending women's rights.

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Author Biographies

Celmira Laza Vásquez, South Colombian University

Master in Nursing, with emphasis on Perinatal Maternal Health. South Colombian University. Neiva. Colombia.

Eric Yamid Cerquera Gallego, South Colombian University

Nursing student. South Colombian University. Neiva. Colombia.

Tania Alejandra Ferrer Pérez, South Colombian University

Nursing student. South Colombian University. Neiva. Colombia.

Yessenia Gutiérrez Ocampos, South Colombian University

Nursing student. South Colombian University. Neiva. Colombia.


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How to Cite

Laza Vásquez C, Cerquera Gallego EY, Ferrer Pérez TA, Gutiérrez Ocampos Y. Legal Abortion in Colombia: A Group of Nursing Students’ Opinions. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2019 Feb. 4 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];37(1):78-86. Available from:



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