Knowledge and Practices on Acute Respiratory Infection in Caregivers of Children under 5 Years of Age from Two Communes in Bucaramanga, Colombia


  • Flor de María Cáceres Manrique Industrial University of Santander
  • Myriam Ruiz Rodríguez Industrial University of Santander
  • Yelitza Álvarez Pabón Industrial University of Santander
  • Daniela Jimena Güiza Argüello Industrial University of Santander
  • Paula Vanessa Aguirre Pinzón Industrial University of Santander



acute respiratory infection, knowledge, attitudes and practices in health, health education, respiratory system infections, Bucaramanga (Colombia)


Objective: Describe the knowledge and practices of acute respiratory infection by caregivers of children under 5 years of  age from the most populous and poorest communities of Bucaramanga, Colombia, and their association with sociodemographic and context variables. Methodology: Cross-sectional  study Sequential sampling of carers of children under 5 years  of  age, users of first-level health care centers in the poorest communities of the capital of Santander, was carried out. An interview was conducted on knowledge and practices of preventing and controlling acute respiratory infections. Answers  were rated as adequate or inadequate, using the World Health  Organization’s guidelines. They were compared based on the  group with the highest prevalence of adequate knowledge  and practices, and associations with sociodemographic variables were explored. Results:  403 caregivers participated;  92.6% were women and 45.9% were older than 24. In total, 236 had adequate knowledge and 286 reported adequate prevention practices. The multivariate analysis showed that caregivers  aged 25 years and over with a schooling of five or more years have a higher prevalence of adequate knowledge and practices. Conclusion: The age and educational level of caregivers is associated with knowledge of appropriate practices for preventing and controlling acute respiratory infections.  These findings guide the focus of education on young carers  with a lower level of education, recommendations considered  in the promotion of the Comprehensive Health Care Model in  Colombia’s health route.

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Author Biographies

Flor de María Cáceres Manrique, Industrial University of Santander

PhD in Public Health. Industrial University of Santander. Bucaramanga, Colombia.


Myriam Ruiz Rodríguez, Industrial University of Santander

PhD in Public Health. Bucaramanga, Colombia.


Yelitza Álvarez Pabón, Industrial University of Santander

General practitioner. Bucaramanga, Colombia.

Daniela Jimena Güiza Argüello, Industrial University of Santander

General practitioner. Bucaramanga, Colombia.

Paula Vanessa Aguirre Pinzón, Industrial University of Santander

General practitioner. Bucaramanga, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Cáceres Manrique F de M, Ruiz Rodríguez M, Álvarez Pabón Y, Güiza Argüello DJ, Aguirre Pinzón PV. Knowledge and Practices on Acute Respiratory Infection in Caregivers of Children under 5 Years of Age from Two Communes in Bucaramanga, Colombia. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 23 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];38(3):1-10. Available from:



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