Social representations of psychoactive substance use and the university orientation zone
representations, substance-related disorders, college counseling areasAbstract
Objective: To identify the social representations that different actors have in relation to the consumption of psychoactive substances and their relationship with the implementation of the university orientation zone in a branch of a university in Medellin, 2021-2022.
Methodology: A qualitative approach, focus groups and the grounded theory method were used for the research.
Results: Regarding social representations, part of the university community associates drug use with an escape from reality. They also relate addiction with lack of control, physical and mental illness, feelings of anxiety and low self-esteem. Finally, the participants consider it necessary and pertinent to implement the university orientation zone for addiction prevention and harm reduction due to substance abuse.
Conclusion: The university counseling zone should respond to the challenge imposed by the forms in which consumption occurs where it is implemented, in order to reduce the rates of problematic use, using approaches that encompass the relational and individual dimensions of the person involved. Beyond a risk reduction strategy, such a zone can intervene in the transformation of the representations of psychoactive substance use, allowing for less problematic uses
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