The evaluation of internal communication systems A method for the comprehension of communication in organizations

Un método para la comprensión de la comunicación en las organizaciones


  • David Hernández García University of Antioquia


organizational communication, internal communication, comprehension of internal communication, communication systems, theory and epistemology of comprehension


This paper reviews the conceptualization of communication in organizations and proposes bases for a comprehensive understanding of internal communication systems in an organization from a diagnosys basis. As a basis for comprehension we propose that the internal communication system is composed by the set of practices and proceedings established by the organization to exchange information, make consultations and transmit orders to employees regarding objectives of different leves, through different channels and directions.

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Author Biography

David Hernández García, University of Antioquia

Doctor in Psychology from the University of Barcelona. Professor and researcher at the University of Antioquia. Secretary General of the University of Antioquia.



How to Cite

Hernández García, D. (2018). The evaluation of internal communication systems A method for the comprehension of communication in organizations: Un método para la comprensión de la comunicación en las organizaciones. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (35-36), 91–103. Retrieved from



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