Quality assessment of formal internal communication system from the perspective of human system audit - (HSA)


  • David Hernández García University of Antioquia
  • Santiago Díaz de Quijano University of Barcelona


evaluation, quality, system, organizational communication, systemic approach


As a structure and psychological phenomenon the organizational communication is of great importance for its ability to transcend the fields of activities and strategies at the organizational level. In this sense, the systemic approach sees the organization as a system composed by interdependent and interrelated structures seeking to achieve the institutional objectives,and the internal communication system, within the systemic approach, has been configured as the practices and procedures for the Exchange of information.

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Author Biographies

David Hernández García, University of Antioquia

Doctor in organizational and work psychology. Teacher. Master in business management. Social communicator. Professor, consultant and university researcher. 

Santiago Díaz de Quijano, University of Barcelona

PhD in work psychology. Teacher. Professor in psychology of organizations. Author of the authorship model of the human system- (ASH).



How to Cite

Hernández García, D., & Díaz de Quijano, S. (2011). Quality assessment of formal internal communication system from the perspective of human system audit - (HSA). Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (25), 13. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/folios/article/view/10596




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