The stakeholders in the communication companies in the realm of corporate social responsability
Stakeholders, corporate social responsibility, CSR, communication companies, target group, communication strategyAbstract
This research explores the relationship between media companies in Latin America and the southern cone and its various stakeholders. It also lays down general rules on what the stakeholders represent according to the theories of corporate social responsibility. The paper also delves in how media companies use the concept of stakeholder, who are their most important stakeholders and what actions have been established with them. We developed a study that introduces a panoramic mixed format between conceptual and applied research, focused on ten media companies reporting their progress on the United Nations Corporate Social Responsibility Global Compact. One of the most important conclusions is that media companies have not developed strategic actions with their different stakeholders. This situation is evident in circumstances in which campaigns are initiated for a variety of stakeholders,but without having the goals and strategies established for each one of them.
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