Limbic Encephalitis: A Narrative Literature Review
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Anticuerpos, Encefalitis Límbica, Enfermedades Autoinmunes, Manifestaciones Neurológicas, Síndromes Paraneoplásicos del Sistema NerviosoResumen
Limbic encephalitis is a disease included in the group of autoimmune encephalitis triggered by different factors, including paraneoplastic, infectious, and pharmacological, among others. The main symptoms are memory impairment, seizures, and psychiatric symptoms. This disease can cause severe neuropsychiatric and cognitive sequelae if not treated in a timely manner, and, if underdiagnosed, it can worsen the prognosis when an underlying unidentified tumor exists. Given the importance of this condition, we wrote this article to provide an update on the diagnostic and therapeutic approach for these patients, according to possible findings in imaging, serum, and cerebrospinal fluid studies. Antibody detection tests can be used to identify, according to the location of the antigen (cellular surface, intracelular or synaptic), the relationship with tumors, response to treatment and prognosis. In case of paraneoplastic encephalitis, the therapeutic approach includes specific oncological treatment, immunotherapy, and symptom management, generally simultaneously.
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