Cockayne syndrome: report of two clinical cases and review of the literature


  • Cervia Margarita Palencia Hospital de niños de punto fijo
  • Carlos Tafur Hospital Dr. domingo luciani.
  • victor Jaimes Hospital Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño.
  • Elizabeth Cañizalez Hospital Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño
  • Ligia Zambrano Zambrano Hospital Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño.
  • Simón Gómez López Hospital Luis Ortega



Cockayne Syndrome, Photosensitivity, Premature Aging


Introduction: Cockayne syndrome is an autosomal, recessive genetic disorder, characterized by poor growth, development impairment, premature aging, and photosensitivity. Prevalence is 1/100.000 live births, and it is more frequent in males with a ratio of 3:1. From the genetic point of view two groups have been described: Group A: mutation of the CSA gene (CKN1, ERCC8) on chromosome 5q12. Group B: mutation of the CBS gene (ERCC6) on chromosome 10q11. We report two cases that were diagnosed solely on clinical bases because no genetic studies were available.

Case 1. A school-girl, born from consanguineous parents. Since birth she has suffered from hypotonia and hypomotility. She has development delay, low weight and height gain, aged face, dysmorphic features, photosensitivity, spasticity, sensorineural hearing loss, and typical findings in the CT scan. She is currently on rehabilitation.

Case 2. A female teenager with seizures from the age of two months; she made slow progress in psychomotor development, and had low weight and height gain. Her features were dysmorphic and her face aged. She had bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, and repeated dystonias. She suffered from repeated respiratory infections and died, aged 14, from respiratory failure secondary to bilateral pneumonia.

Conclusion: We report these two cases and a review of the literature in order to attract attention to Cockayne syndrome so that early diagnoses can be made in children with psychomotor development delay, premature aging and photosensitivity. Early diagnoses are the basis for genetic counseling.

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Author Biographies

Cervia Margarita Palencia, Hospital de niños de punto fijo

Pediatra y Neuropediatra, adjunta del Servicio de Neuropediatría del Hospital de Niños Doctor Jesús García Coello, Punto Fijo, estado Falcón, Venezuela.

Carlos Tafur, Hospital Dr. domingo luciani.

Pediatra, Puericultor y Neuropediatra, adjunto de la Unidad de Neurología Infantil del Hospital Doctor Domingo Luciani, Caracas, Venezuela.

victor Jaimes, Hospital Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño.

Pediatra, Puericultor y Neuropediatra, adjunto de Neurología Infantil del Hospital Doctor Miguel Pérez Carreño, Caracas, Venezuela.

Elizabeth Cañizalez, Hospital Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño

Pediatra, Puericultora y Neuropediatra, adjunta de la Unidad de Neurología Infantil del Hospital Doctor Miguel Pérez Carreño, Caracas, Venezuela.

Ligia Zambrano Zambrano, Hospital Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño.

Pediatra, Puericultora y Neuropediatra, adjunta de la Unidad de Neurología Infantil del Hospital Doctor Miguel Pérez Carreño. Caracas, Venezuela. 

Simón Gómez López, Hospital Luis Ortega

Pediatra, Puericultor y Neuropediatra, adjunto del Servicio de Pediatría del Hospital Luis Ortega. Porlamar, estado Nueva Esparta, Venezuela.



How to Cite

Palencia CM, Tafur C, Jaimes victor, Cañizalez E, Zambrano Zambrano L, Gómez López S. Cockayne syndrome: report of two clinical cases and review of the literature. Iatreia [Internet]. 2012 Feb. 7 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];24(4):Pág. 415-421. Available from:



Case reports