Etiology and seasonality of viral respiratory infections in children under 5 years of age in Bucaramanga, Colombia
Colombia, child, infant, polymerase chain reaction, respiratory tract infections, seasons, virusAbstract
Objective: To describe viruses associated with respiratory infection in children in Bucaramanga, the main city in northeastern Colombia.
Materials and methods: Descriptive study with prospective collection. Participants were children under 5 years with respiratory symptoms for a maximum of 5 days, treated at two institutions of Bucaramanga. Demographic data, medical and perinatal history and initial physical examination findings were recorded. Samples obtained with nasopharyngeal swabs were processed for 15 respiratory viruses by multiplex reaction polymerase chain test.
Results: Between December 2012 and November 2013, 215 children less than 5 years (mean age 14 months) were enrolled. Positivity to at least one virus was 72 % and co-infection was detected in 8.5 %. The most frequently identified viruses in dry seasons were respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus A/B/C and metapneumovirus, while in the rainy seasons they were parainfluenza 1/2/3, respiratory syncytial virus and influenza. Coronavirus and bocavirus were identified for the first time in this age group in Colombia.
Conclusions: A wide variety of viruses affects children in this area of Colombia, and their occurrence throughout the year is different from that reported in other regions of the country.
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