Amyand hernia. Case report
Amyand hernia, inguinal herniaAbstract
Inguinal hernia is the protrusion of an organ or fascia through the wall of the cavity that contains it. It is one of the most frequent situations that surgeons must face. Typically, the content of herniary sac is omentum or small bowel, but occasionally it includes the cecal appendix, a condition called “Amyand hernia”. Diagnosis is usually established during surgical intervention. We present the case of an Amyand hernia in a 40 year-old male, who consulted by pain in the right inguinal region, lasting 10 hours. On physical examination a palpable, painful and irreducible mass was found. During surgery, the sac was observed to contain omentum and the cecal appendix, the latter with inflammatory changes. Pre-peritoneal inguinal hernia repair with application of a mesh was performed. No intra-operatory complications occurred and the outcome was satisfactory.
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