Description of cellular lines in peripheral blood with blasts in different regions of Colombia, 2017. Case series




anemia, blood cells, leukocytes, leukemia, thrombocytopenia


Introduction: Leukemia constitutes a complex group of haemopathies, which due to their etiology, pathogenesis and mortality, can be considered a public health problem. Its early detection allows for timely remission for confirmation of the diagnosis and early start of treatment.

Objective: To describe the sanguineous cellularity in a population with presence of blasts in peripheral blood coming from different regions of Colombia during the year 2017.

Methods: A descriptive study, type case series. Hemograms and peripheral blood smears from patients with blast presence or a presumptive diagnosis of leukemia were analyzed in five cities of Colombia, all of whom met the inclusion criteria.

Results: 39 patients with presence of de novo blasts from Cúcuta 48.7%, Valledupar 33.3%, Tunja 10.3%, Socorro 5.1% and Villavicencio 2.6% were found. All the individuals were affiliated to the Colombian healthcare system. Fifty four percent of the subjects were female, with an average age of 44.2 years for men and 32.5 for women. Seventy six percent of the patients presented moderate to severe leukocytosis and 69.2% neutropenia. Ninety-five percent had anemia, 51% hypochromia and 38% microcytes, 74% presented thrombocytopenia and 15% macroplates.

Conclusions: These findings are a match to those found in the literature, as for the predominance of the disease by age and sex. Anemia, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia are a set of characteristics that remain constant in patients with leukemia.

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Author Biographies

Shirley Gigiola Cruz-Rubio, University of Boyacá

Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences.

Yusselfy Márquez-Benítez, University of Boyacá

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences.

|, University of Boyacá

Bacteriologist and Clinical Laboratory, Mg. in Public Health.

Mabely Juliana Mosquera-Heredia, University of Santander

Bacteriologist and Clinical Laboratory, Mg. in Education.

Julieth Esteher Oliveros-Barros, University of Santander

Bacteriologist and Clinical Laboratory, Mg. in Education.


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How to Cite

Cruz-Rubio SG, Márquez-Benítez Y, Lancheros AM, Mosquera-Heredia MJ, Oliveros-Barros JE. Description of cellular lines in peripheral blood with blasts in different regions of Colombia, 2017. Case series. Iatreia [Internet]. 2020 Feb. 6 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];33(3):222-8. Available from:



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