Negative pressure protective barrier device used in dental emergencies during the COVID-19 pandemic
infection control, coronavirus, COVID-19, personal protective equipment, dental health servicesAbstract
Introduction: Health personnel involved in dental care are at high risk of contagion from constant exposure to aerosols during emergency care. It is necessary to increase its protection measures during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
Objective: Describe the experience of dentists, assistants and patients regarding the use of a barrier device to contain aerosols in dental emergency care.
Materials and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study with 21 adult patients attended by dental emergencies in a private institution during June in the city of Bogotá. The 21 patients, five treating dentists and five dental assistants filled out a structured questionnaire about the experience with the device, the biosafety measures implemented and the perception of safety regarding the possible contagion of the virus.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 41 years (SD ± 14). The duration of the procedures was 45 minutes (SD ± 12) on average. There were no adverse events during the procedures with the use of the device. 95% of patients felt safer during care with the use of the barrier device.
Conclusions: Despite the limited sample, the high perception of safety regarding the use of the device in dental emergency care reported here suggests that they may complement the biosecurity measures and personal protective equipment established by health authorities during the pandemic.
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