Interweaving Neuroscience, Quantum Science and Andean Wisdom: Health Sciences In-formation from the Educational Paradigm of Allin Kawsay (Good Living)
Human Development, Medical Education, Neurosciences, Science, Thought, UniversitiesAbstract
Introduction: Health sciences education is not immune to the anomalies, collapses, and tensions inherent to the meta-pandemic scenario.
Objectives: Given this, it is necessary to arrive at new strategies that allow us to effectively and comprehensively address such situations. In this work we propose that the educational paradigm of Allin Kawsay (Good Living) is formed as a theory of thought with latent possibilities since it represents a transdisciplinary dialogue between Andean wisdom and the latest discoveries in the frontier sciences: neuroscience and quantum science.
Methods: To direct this proposal, we pose two guiding questions: How do we conceive the subject of education? and How to train it to reach its potential?
Results: In order to answer these two questions, we began by proposing to reconceptualize the term in-formation and then operationalized the educational paradigm of Buen Vivir in 4 dimensions: Allin Yuyay (Good thinking), Allin Sonqoy (Good feeling), Allin Rimay (Good saying) and Allin Ruway (Good doing).
Conclusions: We conclude that this new educational paradigm offers unprecedented solutions to summarily complex problems and that, in addition, it is capable of holistically responding to the two research questions.
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