Aspergillosis: Case Series from the Central Public Health Laboratory-Ministry of Health. Asunción, Paraguay. Period 2000 - 2019




Aspergillosis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Paraguay, Tuberculosis


Introduction: Aspergillosis is an opportunistic mycosis with significant impact on immunocompromised patients; available data in Paraguay are scarce.

Objectives: To characterize patients diagnosed with aspergillosis whose samples were sent to the Mycology section of the Central Public Health Laboratory during the period 2000-2019.

Methods: A descriptive, retrospective study of clinical records from patients with positive specimens for Aspergillus genus.

Results: Fifty-four patients were diagnosed with aspergillosis: Otomycosis 21 (38.9%), chronic pulmonary aspergillosis 17 (31.5%), acute and chronic sinusitis 5 (9.2%), invasive aspergillosis 4 (7.4%), onychomycosis 3 (5.6%), allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 2 (3.7%), and keratitis 2 (3.7%). There were 56 isolates: Aspergillus section Fumigati 26 (46.4%), A. section Flavi 15 (26.8%), A. section Nigri 13 (23.2%), A. section Terrei 1 (1.8%), and Aspergillus glaucus 1 (1.8%). Microbiological diagnostic methods included fresh examination, staining, culture, and serology testing.

Conclusions: Multiple cases of aspergillosis were reported over a 20-year period. Otomycosis, predominantly in adults, was the most prevalent form of aspergillosis. In chronic rhinopulmonary forms, tuberculosis, tumors, chronic obstructive disease, cystic fibrosis, and asthma were the predisposing factors. Invasive aspergillosis was predominantly observed in pediatric patients, where autoimmune diseases and leukemias were the primary risk factors. Aspergillus section Fumigati was the predominant isolate, followed by Aspergillus section Flavi and Aspergillus section Nigri.

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Author Biographies

Gustavo Aguilar-Fernández, Laboratorio Central de Salud Pública, Asunción- Paraguay

Biochemist, Department of Bacteriology and Mycology, Public Health Central Laboratory, Asunción, Paraguay.

Patricia Araujo-López, Laboratorio Central de Salud Pública, Asunción- Paraguay

Biochemist, Department of Bacteriology and Mycology, Public Health Central Laboratory, Asunción, Paraguay.

Graciela Lird, Hospital de Clínicas, San Lorenzo-Paraguay

Biochemist, Central Laboratory - Department of Microbiology, Hospital de Clínicas, San Lorenzo, Paraguay.

Rocío del Carmen Arguello-Velaztiqui, Hospital General Pediátrico Acosta Ñu, San Lorenzo-Paraguay

Biochemist, Department of Microbiology, Hospital General Pediátrico Acosta Ñu, San Lorenzo, Paraguay.

Raquel Blasco-Gavilán, Hospital Regional de Ciudad del Este, Paraguay

Biochemist, Bacteriology Service, Hospital Regional de Ciudad del Este, Paraguay.


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How to Cite

Aguilar-Fernández G, Araujo-López P, Lird G, Arguello-Velaztiqui R del C, Blasco-Gavilán R. Aspergillosis: Case Series from the Central Public Health Laboratory-Ministry of Health. Asunción, Paraguay. Period 2000 - 2019. Iatreia [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 19 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];1(1). Available from:



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