An Analysis of Approaches to Reduction of HIV Stigma across the World through educational interventions: A Scoping Review
health education, social stigma, HIV, systematic reviewAbstract
Objective. To determinate the educational interventions for reducing the stigma caused by HIV worldwide.
Methods. This scoping review study analyzed all papers published from early 2000 to the end of 2022 by searching all the scientific databases, Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Cochrane, Embase and CINHAL. The quality assessment of the papers was done using the ROBIS tool checklist.
Results. 31papers were admitted to the scoping review process. Stigma reduction intervention was founded on three parts: Society, health and therapeutic services providers, and the patients who had HIV and their families. The interventions included education on the reduction of fear, and shame, observation of protective standards, conducting tests and treatment at the above levels, as well as the support provided by the society, policymakers, religious leaders and families of patients in economic, psychological and cultural terms, together with the establishment of social centres and organization of campaigns.
Conclusion. The stigma associated with HIV is a significant obstacle before treatment, life expectancy and living quality of patients. Therefore, the stigma associated with this disease can be reduced, and the living quality of patients can be raised using approaches such as education of healthcare service providers and afflicted people, as well as economic, social, cultural, and psychological support.
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- 2024-04-02 (1)
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