Socializing as a dynamic learning process in nursing. A proposal in active methodology
Competencybased education; socialization; education; nursing; faculty; students, nursing.Abstract
Objective. To understand the meaning of socializing activities and how they contribute to the learning process of nursing students.
Methodology. Qualitative study, in which 10 students from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil) participated during the year of 2006. Data were analyzed using content analysis.
Results. The following analysis categories emerged from the study: Learning moments, integration moments, value reassurance and strengthening of theory and practice links. Socializing is an important activity for the students because it allows them to share their knowledge, experiences, and others, which contribute to professional and personal growth being mistakes and accuracies a good way of learning.
Conclusion. For the students, socializing activities allow integration, interaction, and intersubjectivity in the critic training process committed to reality.
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