Dynamic Location Model of Intermediate nodes within safety zones in focused logistics context


  • Dusko Kalenatic Catholic University of Colombia
  • Cesar Amílcar López Bello Catholic University of Colombia
  • Leonardo José González Catholic University of Colombia
  • Feizar Javier Rueda Velasco University of La Sabana




location, operational logistics, safety zones, focused logistics


This paper presents a mixed integer programming model for multiple logistics node location in order to support decision making processes as a function of combat units movement. The model let us to obtain a dynamic configuration for a supply network in operational logistics. With this purpose focused logistics concepts are employed as a last tendency for sustaining military operations. The model offers the possibility of use safety zones modeled as a spatial constrains which pretend to give warranties about survivability, operability, supplies continuity and flexibility in a hostile environment.

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Author Biographies

Dusko Kalenatic, Catholic University of Colombia

Production Research Group –GIP-.

Cesar Amílcar López Bello, Catholic University of Colombia

Production Research Group –GIP-.

Leonardo José González, Catholic University of Colombia

Production Research Group –GIP-.

Feizar Javier Rueda Velasco, University of La Sabana

Logistics Systems Research Group.


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How to Cite

Kalenatic, D., López Bello, C. A., González, L. J., & Rueda Velasco, F. J. (2012). Dynamic Location Model of Intermediate nodes within safety zones in focused logistics context. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (59), 133–144. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.13769