Environmental economic dispatch with fuzzy and possibilistic entities


  • Edgar Muela University of La Salle
  • Janneth Secue Ingetec S.A.




decision-making, environmental, economic dispatch, fuzzy sets, possibility theory


In this paper a fuzzy possibilistic model for Environmental Economic Dispatch is presented, in order to consider adequately some involved uncertain variables. The developed model can be viewed as an integrative focus where uncertainty is not considered like a simple decision making parameter but it is analyzed as a criterion decision. Here, a fuzzy possibilistic model looks for reflecting the imprecision, ambiguity, and vagueness present in the analyzed problem. Fuzzy sets and possibility theory are an alternative to do this, because they allow including this sort of imperfect information into the problem.

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Author Biographies

Edgar Muela, University of La Salle

Calposalle Group, Faculty of Engineering.

Janneth Secue, Ingetec S.A.

Electrical Division.


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How to Cite

Muela, E., & Secue, J. (2012). Environmental economic dispatch with fuzzy and possibilistic entities. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (59), 227–236. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.13827