Reut and Beck columns: effects of end gravity forcé, translation and rotational inertias


  • Luis G. Arboleda Monsalve Northwestern University
  • David G. Zapata Medina Northwestern University
  • J. Darío Aristizabal Ochoa National University of Colombia



columns, buckling, dynamic stability, static stability, flutter, non-conservative loads, Beck and Reut columns


The stability of Reut and Beck columns subjected to any combination of gravity and non-conservative (fixed-line of follower) comprenssive axial forces is presented using the dynamic formulation. The proposed method is effects of the end gravity force, translational and rotational inertias along the member. Analytical results are intended to capture the limit on the range of applicability of the static or Euler’s method in the stability analysis of slender columns, and to define the transition from static instability (with zero frequency) to dynamic instability (“flutter”). Finally, the comparison between the characteristic stability equations of slender Reut and Beck columns is presented.

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Author Biography

J. Darío Aristizabal Ochoa, National University of Colombia

School of Mines.


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How to Cite

Arboleda Monsalve, L. G., Zapata Medina, D. G., & Aristizabal Ochoa, J. D. (2013). Reut and Beck columns: effects of end gravity forcé, translation and rotational inertias. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (65), 191–200.