Evaluation of models for the conversion of T-min rainfall distributions to an equivalent one-minute distribution to be used in Colombia


  • Luis Emiliani SES-Astra
  • Lorenzo Luini Polytechnic University of Milan




rain, millimeter wave propagation, microwave, satellite, integration time, statistical distribution, propagation in tropical zones


The design of microwave communication systems requires knowledge of the one-minute cumulative distribution of rainfall. However, since time series of rainfall fulfilling this constrain are not common, the conversion of a distribution obtained from time series with a longer integration time T (such as 30 or 60 minutes) into equivalent one-minute distribution has been proposed as an alternative. This paper reviews existing models for the conversion of cumulative distributions of rainfall and compares their predictions against a database of measured distributions from the Aburrá Valley in the department of Antioquia, with a view towards recommending a model suitable for the Colombian climate. Based on the results of the evaluation, the EXCELLRSC model represents a suitable alternative for rainfall rate predictions in the valley, and the best alternative for predictions in other regions in Colombia. This model would be useful for fade margin calculations for microwave systems, terrestrial or earth-to-space.

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How to Cite

Emiliani, L., & Luini, L. (2013). Evaluation of models for the conversion of T-min rainfall distributions to an equivalent one-minute distribution to be used in Colombia. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (56), 99–110. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.14657