Simulation of optical pulse propagation in microstructured waveguides


  • Francisco Racedo-Niebles University of the Coast
  • Sonia Valbuena-Duarte Atlantic University



finite differences, core, boundary, algorithm, waveguide


In  this  paper  we  study  the  propagation  of  optical  pulses  by  the  finite differences method in a ridge waveguides structured for applications in optical transmission systems in the region of 1.55 μm. With the transformation of Maxwell’s equations its discrete formulation, for the system under study, and the appropriate boundary conditions was implemented an algorithm in Matlab that enables to visualize the behavior of the pulse when it propagates in the geometry of the waveguide studied. Variations in simulation were made in the wavelength, width of the core and the refractive index materials with which the results obtained were consistent with those reported in the literature. This study  allows  proposing  an  appropriate  geometry  and  materials  for  making  waveguides for applications in optical communications systems.

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Author Biographies

Francisco Racedo-Niebles, University of the Coast

Group of Mathematics and Informatics of the University Corporation of the Coast of Basic Sciences (MATINCUC).

Sonia Valbuena-Duarte, Atlantic University

Emission Optical and Laser Spectroscopy Group (GEOEL), Faculty of Basic Sciences.


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How to Cite

Racedo-Niebles, F., & Valbuena-Duarte, S. (2014). Simulation of optical pulse propagation in microstructured waveguides. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (73), 9–18.