Performance assessment of internal logistics for service companies




Internal Logistics, performance measurement, organizational diagnosis, services sector, multicriteria constructivist methods


The present research aims to propose a model for evaluating the performance of the internal logistics for a service company, based on Multicriteria Constructivist methods, towards a systematic mapping of the current context situation, aiming to find opportunities to improve its processes. It was found that, considering the difficulties of managing logistics flows, the method allows assisting in the identification, organization, measurement and integration of the variables through a systemic and participatory manner. As practical implications, it was provided conditions for the company to measure its actions, sustaining indexes for goal setting and periodic assessments. This research also presents the importance of this type of methodology for the provision of logistics services, a subject underexplored in the scientific literature, especially when using constructivist approaches.

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Author Biographies

Vanessa Teresinha Alves, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Núcleo de Inovação e Competitividade

Julio Cezar Mairesse-Siluk, Universidad Federal de Santa Maria

Núcleo de Inovação e Competitividade

Alvaro Luiz Neuenfeldt-Júnior, Universidad Federal de Santa Maria

Iúcleo de Inovação e Competitividade

Marlon Soliman, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Núcleo de Inovação e Competitividade

Lissandro Dorneles Dalla-Nora, Universidad Federal de Santa Maria

Núcleo de Inovação e Competitividade


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How to Cite

Alves, V. T., Mairesse-Siluk, J. C., Neuenfeldt-Júnior, A. L., Soliman, M., & Dalla-Nora, L. D. (2015). Performance assessment of internal logistics for service companies. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (74), 188–199.